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4200% GAIN
ALERTED AT: 0.02 | JUMPED TO: $0.84
1765% GAIN
ALERTED AT: 0.055 | JUMPED TO: $9.71
1953% GAIN
ALERTED AT: 0.0064 | JUMPED TO: $0.125
1750% GAIN
ALERTED AT: 0.04 | JUMPED TO: $0.7

How Does It Work?

We select penny stocks with significant upside potential that we believe are about to explode, and we send you an email alert so you can buy before the curve takes off.

28 Out of Our 30 Latest Picks Have Seen Huge Gains!

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Hear From Penny Stock Traders
Who Have Made a Fortune

Over the years, smart penny stock investing has made many people millionaires.

I'm fairly new to the stock market. So far my portfolio was down almost 700% I read your stock reports for the last 2 years.And this time I bought 2000 shares and invested $5,000 ,and I've been reading everything you send me. I am so glad that I have been following your recommendations and been buying shares on the big dips. I now am up $15,000. Fantastic job love you folks.

Gary Keeley
Boston. MA

Thank you for the giving me this signal it will help us a lot especially during this time of uncertainty. Sharing this without even asking in return, not like any others gurus that you need to pay, God bless you I have already made 4x what I put in. Blessings upon blessing upon your life.

Kyle Hansen
Chicago, IL

I just got in and I am grateful for this I made some money. I don’t have a lot to invest cause I just started, just $4,000 but you are truly making that change with help like this and I am already up by another $5,000!! Thank you again.

Michael Carter
New York City, NY

I have received your emails and I have, also, listened to you. I bought some stocks. Thank you and, please, keep helping those who are starting. I’ve been in since day one when you recommended it. You have been right on target appreciate it. Thank you.

Patrick Murray
San Francisco, CA

*Past performance does not guarantee future results. The investment and principal value of an investment will flucuate so that an investor's shares,
when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the orginal cost, and current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted.

Frequently Asked Questions

The difficult aspect of penny stock trading is deciding which stock to buy and when.

Penny stock trading is simple. The difficult aspect is deciding which stock to buy and when.

When Will I Recieve My First Newsletter?

We strive to send you one big stock pick every two weeks, but as everyone knows the market can be unstable and we may sometime take a bit longer. Better to take a bit more time and send you a pick with which we are confident, than rush things and risk sending you a bad one.

How Can I Start Trading Penny Stocks?

We do not offer a stock trading platform, nor can we handle your investment for you. What you can do to start though, is sign up for a brokerage account that has access to penny stocks. We recommend common firms like Firstrade, Scottrade, or Tradestation.

Tell Me, Are Penny Stocks Risky?

All stocks carry an inherent risk. Only a small percentage of penny stocks are in fast companies with good foundations and solid financials. We aim to take the guesswork out of penny stock investing and provide our members with expert advice on companies with great potential.

How Much Money Do I Need To Get Started?

This is entirely up to you! We've seen many of our exculsive members just start with only $100.00 and move on to trade in thousands of dollars.

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